Seems to me that all gala planners seek auction centerpiece ideas and table decor tips.
Enjoy these three YouTube videos that will get you thinking about your gala’s tables.
Three tips for success with auction centerpieces
Benefit Auction Table Centerpieces: Should you sell them or give them away?
Benefit Auction Tip: Shrink those floral centerpieces
Every committee with whom I work spends time talking décor and centerpieces. I’d love to know what you’ve done with centerpieces.
What was the most clever or creative change you made to your event’s centerpieces? Share below, please.
We had an Italian Bistro setting for a dinner theater. The students were the cast members and also the waiters and waitresses. The centerpieces were herb gardens planted in large colorful tomato cans with their original labels, provided by two Italian restaurants in town. The herbs were donated by local nurseries, each can held three herbs. The table was sprinkled with decorative pasta. Some of the herb gardens are still in use a year and a half later!
Sharon, I like that creativity. It was inexpensive, clever, and involved the students.
Speaking of herbs, at a Greek Odyssey themed school auction this past spring, the centerpieces were rosemary shrubs in beautiful planters. My rosemary plant has been in my garden since April and has tripled in size! I brush my hand over it every time I turn on the garden hose. (Admittedly, I’m a gardener and tend to be partial to plants.)
They weren’t exactly centerpieces, but at each place setting we set up a picture of one of the students – along with what they wanted to be when they grew up – in an inexpensive frame. They were a hit :-).
Kirsten, I like that, too.