This is a little late in the game to publish (the signing event happened May 7, 2013), but I had to get this in print.
(I was en route to California when this all went down, and simply lacked the time to acknowledge one of my talented benefit auction associates!)
If you’ve had any of my floor crew work your gala, you know how frickin’ awesome they are at selling your stuff, be that silent auction items or raffle tickets.
Jerome is also talented in all-things-art.
(You might want to read a former post about how he uses his artistic skill to sell more raffle tickets at your benefit auction gala.)
A sketch he made of President Reagan almost 30 years ago is “back in print!”
A Virginia nonprofit, the Ronald Reagan Lecture Series, is using his creation as a thank you gift to donors. You can click the link to see his original work.
Excellent, isn’t it?
As it says on the webpage …
In 1984 the Reagan Re-election Committee commissioned Jerome Peter Lukas to draw a pen and ink portrait of Reagan. The President personally autographed prints to give his most generous donors.
If you’ve met Jerome, I’m sure he’d enjoy hearing from you in the comments section below.
Congratulations, my friend!
Even if Jerome is NOT working your auction, I’ve got a great way to use some of his sales techniques.
Here’s a resource related to raffles.
One of the templates in this training resource is an entire page of “one liners.” These are phrases shared by my staff that they use to open the conversation with guests during the reception.
Volunteers often feel awkward when they are asked to interrupt your guests, trying to get them to buy a raffle ticket. These phrases make it easy for volunteers to become raffle sales pros.
Enjoy it!
Thank you, Sherry, for this acknowledgement!
Funny, when you are young, all you crave is attention and can’t seem to find it;
then – when you’re older and don’t give a diddl about getting attention or not, you get it!
So, thank you for this and also thank you for the beautiful landscape you have painted with this newsletter . . . it has helped so many people understand how to create successful benefit auctions!
Shalom Jerome
You bet … love ya, Jerome!