Steve Haskamp is a full-time artist whose work can be found in stores like Target and Trader Joe’s grocery stores.
Meet Steve Haskamp. He’s an honest-to-goodness, full-time artist.
(He’s the creative sort with cool ideas you should add to your benefit auction donations wish list.)
If you visit his blog, you’ll view his designs which are used on greeting cards at Target, Trader Joe’s, children’s clothing, books, prints, tote bags, magazines, housewares, and a ton of other stuff. I met Steve through his partner, Dale, who is good friend of mine from college.
Steve has one of those jobs I find interesting. Each day, he sits in his studio and creates images.

Steve told me these images would become stickers, maybe even scratch-n-sniff stickers.
The images are sent to his agents. They review the designs and promote them to companies they think might use the image: a clothing manufacturer, a wallpaper company, a book publisher, etc.
On occasion, Steve is asked to create designs for a specific project. He was recently asked to create some illustrations of President Obama’s new family dog.
Two weeks ago I stayed with Dale and Steve while attending a business conference in San Diego. I asked Steve to give me the artist’s perspective as to what makes for a good benefit auction item.
Here’s what he said…
The easiest item for an artist to donate to a benefit auction is an existing print, signed by the artist.

Dale, Sherry and Steve out for a Thai dinner in San Diego, October 2009.
“I understand,”I said, “But that’s not necessarily the most sought-after item because some guests might not dig your work.”
And Steve – being the practical kind of artist he is – agreed and went on to give his next thought…
Let the artist chose his or her own medium.
Good idea! Confirm it with the artist. If the artist works in watercolors, you should have the understanding that you’ll be donated a watercolor.
The artist might have a particular interest he’s developing. Ask if he does. The artist might be more willing to donate if he/she can make a donation around a new-found interest.
For instance, Steve has become more interested in drawing pet portraits. He said he’d be inclined to donate that. The winning bidder could submit a photo of their pet, and Steve would create an image for them.
(Hint: Great item! Jot it down for your auction procurement list.)
Don’t expect a 39″ masterpiece. A 5″ x 7″ custom work is a more typical size.
That makes sense. Big = a lot more work.
I told Steve that a good auction item for any benefit auction is the opportunity to receive a sketch of your home. The winning bidder provides a photo of their home, and the artist provides them with a sketch.
Steve thought that this would be something that most artists could do. (Hint: Add this to your procurement list.)
I asked Steve if he was bombarded with requests to donate to benefit auctions.
“I have no problem saying ‘no’ when I need too!” he said.
This recalls the adage that ‘you won’t get anything unless you ask.’Don’t be afraid to ask.
And of course, respect the artist if they decline to donate. It might be that he or she can’t make a donation “this” year, but keep them on your prospect sheet for the following year.
Thanks for your insight and the tour of your studio, Steve!
Interesting perspective. I’m guessing that this works best with artwork that can be turned into prints. It’s been my experience that artists that use other mediums or techniques such as sculpture or woodworking are more reluctant to donate a piece (at least in a smaller, more rural area where people may not be able to afford high priced items)because it devalues their work.
I’ve not interviewed an artist who works in other mediums, but I have worked events where chunky pieces have been sold. For instance, last fall, one rural county in Virginia sold out of birdhouses lickety-split fast. Each one had been made by local artists.
Dear Mr.Steve Haskamp:
Greetings to you from Goodwill social work centre,Madurai,India.
When you find time please take a look at my organisation’s website at: http://www.goodwillsocialworkcentre.org,my organisation’s facebook page at :http://www.facebook.com/pages/Goodwill-Social-Work-Centre/130576933622395, and also my web albums at:http://picasaweb.google.com/chrisdangswc, to know of the various social projects being taken up by my organisation.
Please take a few moments to view this Youtube
link at:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE-j6kLE_9k to view some of our photos published by ‘Nature’s Voice-Our Choice,USA about our sponsored children winning International art contests in 2008 and 2009 in NV-OC’s video.
You are most welcome to make any donation to our organisation for taking programmes for children and young people in our project locations in the State of Tamilnadu,India.
With respectful regards
Dr.J.Christopher Daniel,Ph.D
Executive Director
Goodwill social work centre
Great idea – thanks for sharing. I read and enjoy each one! Keep them coming.