Today’s question is: What do you do that makes your auction different from every other benefit auction in your city?
Is that chirping crickets I hear?
If you’re stumped by the question, I’m not surprised. We planners get into ruts, doing the same thing all the time. Unless you’re traveling the world attending auction galas, it’s almost impossible to get exposed to fresh concepts.
(Let alone the time it takes to learn about properly implementing something, once seen.)
This leads me to why late last year I launched the Great American Benefit Auction Roadshow. It’s where I preach my own version of benefit auction gospel.
As time allows, I’ve been squeezing in workshops. Chicago, Cincinnati, and Honolulu were the first to roll out, and now I’ll be in Louisville, KY sharing my Better Benefit Auctions workshop on Thursday, July 10, 2014.
You’ll learn why your auction isn’t cutting the mustard and WHAT TO CHANGE.
Better Benefit Auctions: How to create your own high performing, distinctive auction using PROVEN strategies that don’t break the bank.
Click for details on Better Benefit Auctions.
Let’s face it … you spend so much time setting up this darn auction, you really should MAXIMIZE YOUR AUCTION’S VALUE.
You want it to be unique, profitable and fun…..
So I’m DIGGING INTO MY PLASTIC BINS (see photo) for examples to show students. (I save my clients work to show the best examples of what I teach.)
Frankly, a number of these benefit auction ideas I’ve never taught before, anywhere.
Are you within driving distance of Louisville? I’m inviting you to be part of the action. The venerable Presentation Academy (centrally located in downtown Louisville) will play host. Full details on parking, food, and other particulars are available once you register.
Learn more about Better Benefit Auctions here.
See you soon,
I would be interested in attending a workshop if you have one coming up in Atlanta. Ashley
Ashley, I don’t have anything scheduled for Atlanta currently, but perhaps I will in upcoming months. (Or alternatively, if you work in a location that could host a workshop for up to 25 people, your organization would receive free consulting from me. That’s the “pay” for providing the venue.) The best way to keep updated is via my newsletter. When I announce a new city, I send an email to everyone on my newsletter living in that state. If you’re not yet receiving the newsletter, here’s where you can join: