Sheri is an excellent seller. She perfected her direct sales techniques after working for years at Nordstrom.
No doubt you know the phrase, “It’s not what you do. It’s who you do it with.”
Much of what makes my work as a benefit auctioneer amazing is the interesting people I’ve surrounded myself with here at Red Apple Auctions.
So for this week’s blog post, permit me to brag like a proud parent as I share with you the success of one of my team members, Sheri.
Many of my auction floor crew come from an acting background. Sheri is no exception.
About 20 years ago, Sheri was the queen of TV here in Washington, D.C. She sold merchandise on a pre-cursor to what viewers today would equate with a QVC or a Home Shopping Network channel.
The program eventually ended, but to this day, Sheri still gets recognized from her long-running stint on that show.
In the last year Sheri has become particularly involved on the other side of the camera … as a producer. She and her business partner Rich West are doing exceptionally well producing “shorts.”
(A short refers to any film not long enough to be considered a feature film.)
Their first short, “Spanish Lesson,” is currently appearing in film festivals around the USA. (Sheri recently was in Las Vegas for a premier!)
Their second is “The Last Paperboy” and just won a film competition sponsored by Signature Theatre, a well-respected theater here in the DC area. The film is about the decline of the newspaper industry, as seen through the eyes of a paperboy.
I encourage you to watch the 5-minute flick by the Sheri-and-Rich team, called Wonder Pictures.
(Why “Wonder Pictures?” Because if the film is good, it’s a wonder. 🙂 )
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