Check your calendar. A nice silent auction basket idea will soon blossom. Very soon ... starting in May here in Washington, D.C. ... most garden clubs will begin their annual tours. Sometimes these tours are free, but often there is a charge associated with them. The prestige of the garden club will dictate whether you are paying $5 or $40 to tour a home owner's private garden space. Established groups like the Georgetown Garden Club will sell tickets at a higher price point than smaller ... Read On >
Benefit Auctions Blog
It’s tax day 2010. Here’s one benefit auction tax question answered.
The Sacramento Bee printed an April 11, 2010 tax-related "Ask the Expert" style article ("Set up IRS Payment Plan Online") which was picked up and re-broadcast by, where I read it. Lo and behold, one of the questions was related to benefit auctions and the tax deductible nature of a timeshare. The question was answered by IRS specialist Jesse Weller. I've reprinted the question and answer in its entirety below, or you can read the complete column by clicking here. Q: My ... Read On >
Volunteer Auctioneer training, so you rock your benefit auction
I've heard the complaints. The school auction chairperson calls. "I know our parents," she'll tell me, "and I know we have more money in the room than what we're getting. I attended XYZ auction, and they made a lot more than we ever do." I ask her who the benefit auctioneer was, how that auctioneer supported them, and why they weren't using him again. She says, "We use a parent. He's our volunteer auctioneer. He's a nice guy, but ... " Then I hear what went wrong. "The auction took ... Read On >
How to plan your auction fundraiser for Gen X and Gen Y guests
Who is giving you the big bucks at your auction fundraiser? If your auction trends the way of many groups, your largest donors are likely 45+ years old. They are at least Baby Boomers, but most may be older. Certainly many of the most successful auctions I conduct are filled with 45+ year old guests. So what are you supposed to do if you're trying to hit a $40,000 goal and your room is filled with Gen X and Gen Y buyers? Can you hit your mark when young professionals dominate your ... Read On >
Live items should be on an auction schedule
If you're searching for some fundraising auction ideas that have an impact on the live auction, this is a simple but good one. Sometimes auction catalogs are misplaced before the live auction begins. Other times a catalog isn't printed. Some groups print a catalog, but forget to include the live auction items. Other groups can't include their live auction items into a catalog because the items weren't yet confirmed by the printing deadline. Whatever the reason, guests should have ... Read On >