School auction themes vary dramatically, but here's one called "Beach Ball." The overall effect was more beach than ball. When spring break isn't quite here and winter has been around for eternity, everyone is eager to relive some of the summer warmth enjoyed so many weeks before. This school auction committee brightened up a fellowship hall to make it festive. Guests did their part by showing up in colorful beach-themed wear. (No swimming suits, but lots of flowered shirts.) Here are some ... Read On >
Benefit Auctions Blog
Tempting offers from charity auction venues still found
Last April I wrote about one positive point of a down economy: discounted charity auction venues. Given the number of charity auctions which are held in hotel ballrooms and unusual venues, a falling price point for rental space is attractive for many groups. Some venues are still aggressively competing on price. Vibrant Table Catering & Events in Portland, OR recently sent out a tweet (below) Hey Non-Profits The Treasury Ballroom waives rental for midweek events. Great for your spring ... Read On >
Congrats, you won the item! Will you redeem it?
Last October I wrote about how dining at the Chef's Table can be a popular auction item to sell (and a relatively easy item to procure). If you're already asking for a donation, why not see if the chef has a table in the kitchen and ask if that could be the special table for your winning bidders? Earlier this month on Twitter, I caught a link to the Chicago Business Journal. Shia Kapos wrote on this very subject. "Chef dinners on the charity auction block: a behind-the-scenes look" visits with ... Read On >
Using kids to raise cash at your gala, even when they aren’t attending – Part 2
Read Part 1 here, then come back to learn the final benefit auction ideas you can use to incorporate kids into your gala (even if they aren't physically present.) This post covers two strategies: 3. Let a Powerpoint slide tell the story In a ballroom, Powerpoint slides can provide imagery. At this gala raising money for heart-related causes, a child's photo was displayed with the text, "Nora Grace's heart was mended by Dr. Bill Hammill, and she hasn't stopped dancing since." Plus side: ... Read On >
Using kids to raise cash at your gala, even when they aren’t attending – Part 1
Over the last few months, I've offered benefit auction ideas on managing your gala in a bad economy. You can use all kinds of techniques to ensure your revenues remain strong in a recession, but one solid strategy of raising money - regardless of economic winds - is to show guests how their donation impacts others. In this case, children. Children (and animals, to a large degree) seem to have universal appeal which you can tap into. Many organizations benefit kids in one way, shape, or ... Read On >