BRRMM. BRRRRRRMMMM. I couldn't resist taking a photo of the Heavy Equipment Training Academy as I was driving through Washington, D.C. yesterday Recent blog readers might be wondering what I'm referring to. A few weeks ago, I covered some benefit auction item ideas. I suggested that one possible item could be a bulldozer training lesson. What a fun item for men and adventurous women! Here's the blog post. It could be a nice fit for a school auction, in particular. During my drive, I ... Read On >
Benefit Auctions Blog
Charity auction ideas from the unlikely source of fashion designer Henri Bendel
The September/October issue of Arrive magazine from Amtrak has an article called Fashion's Makeover (page 34) by Michele Meyer. The article is about how the fashion industry has changed in light of the economic slump. Meyer proposes that to survive in this new climate, apparel designers and merchants must rely on instinct, innovation, exclusivity, and the Internet. Sounds like there's some advice in here that charity auction committees would also be smart to follow. Let's dig deeper. In the ... Read On >
Alpha Phi of San Diego State University’s Red Dress Charity Auction
Even when I'm not working at a charity auction, I find myself around one. This past weekend, I traveled to San Diego's Hyatt Regency to attend a conference which has been on my calendar for months. The hotel is surrounded by Mission Bay, making attendees feel as though we were on our own private tropical island. Our meetings were in one of hotel ballrooms, but the facility also has a permanent tent on the grounds. Tucked inside was a a silent auction. During lunch break, I popped into the ... Read On >
Fundraising auction ideas for vegetables
Say what? Ideas ... for vegetables? A group asked me about vegetables recently, so I thought others might have a need, too. It's not that crazy of an idea. I already broached the topic (sort of) this past summer in my post Four Ways to Sell Farm-to-Table Donations. Here are some fundraising auction ideas for those not-so-lowly, rich-in-antioxidants vegetables. Centerpieces Colorful veggies in a clear vase. See the photos for ideas. GraphicsIf you're hosting an event that focuses on the ... Read On >
Benefit auction item idea: Restaurant dining at the chef’s table
Here's a benefit auction item idea that will prove popular at your gala: the opportunity to dine at the chef's table in a restaurant. What is the chef's table? Not every restaurant has one, but a chef's table is a table situated within the kitchen of the restaurant. As with real estate, what makes this table unique is the location, the location, the location. By virtue of where it sits (in the kitchen), the table allows the guests to see how their food is being prepared, observe ... Read On >