These garage doors are impressive. Someone sent the link to me a couple of weeks ago. I'd recommend putting something like this into an online auction or use it as a silent auction item. Honestly, I'm not sure how likely you are to get a donation -- it's a German-based company. If you're a German international school or have a fluent German speaker amidst your ranks, you might have better luck! The garage photo covers are less than $300 and they have many styles. (Check out their website. ... Read On >
Benefit Auctions Blog
Speaking to Rotary Club of Fairfax about an auction fundraiser
Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of speaking at the Rotary Club of Fairfax. With 93 members, this is one of the largest clubs in northern Virginia, although attendance was a down today due to the timing of my visit. (Note to self: Schedule speaking appointments during the school year to avoid vacation season.) As near as I can tell, Rotary is one of the most under-marketed organizations in the world. They do a tremendous amount of good work globally, but they are so busy eradicating ... Read On >
Charity auction idea: LAST Day to get Saturday Night Live tickets
If you are looking for a good charity auction idea, here's one that helps with procurement. Each year during the month of August, Saturday Night Live allows people to enter into a drawing for free tickets for the upcoming season. Here's text from the site (which still states 2007-2008 season): To enter the Saturday Night Live ticket lottery for the upcoming 2007-2008 season, send an email in the month of August only to Please include all contact information and do not ... Read On >
Teaching Stratford event planners about benefit auctions
One of my favorite event planners in Washington, D.C. is Alice Conway, CSEP. I met her when I was a student in the George Washington University Event Management Certificate program, and she was overseeing the program. Alice has since gone on to launch a similar event management certificate program at Stratford University, while simultaneously running her event management company, BB&C Productions Inc. Alice is a svelte, sophisticated woman who looks more like she should be a publicist in ... Read On >
School auction themes: “Bullish” in the Wild West
I'd not seen this entertainment activity at any of our other galas. This private school auction had a western-themed fundraiser. To add to the ambiance, they brought in a mechanical bull for guests to ride during the silent auction portion of the evening. Although guests were wary at first, they eventually warmed to the idea to try it. The bull was positioned in the middle of an inflatable ring. It reminded me of an inflatable swimming pool for children. When the guest was thrown off the bull ... Read On >