Last Friday, my friend Sandy Rees of Get Fully Funded released her new book, "Get Fully Funded: How to Raise the Money of your Dreams." Sandy always has practical ideas, so I interviewed her on the topic of where to get volunteers for your benefit auction. Sherry: Benefit auctions rely on volunteers. What advice might you have for my readers? Sandy: There are three steps I like to address. First, be clear about what you need. As a fundraiser, you’ll soon realize that you need to clone ... Read On >
Benefit Auctions Blog
VIDEO: Procuring walk-on movie and TV parts for your auction
A walk-on part in a movie or television show is sure to get hands in the air at your next benefit auction. In this video, learn three ways to secure this experience, regardless of whether you have a Los Angeles connection. Watch the video below. ... Read On >
VIDEO: School auctions take note of this ticket price increase – 750%!
A big debate among the school auctions with whom I work centers on the ticket price. The committee often feels that by keeping a low ticket price, they'll be more inclusive and raise more money. And every benefit auctioneer I know will tell you otherwise. Yet this persistent inaccurate belief exists. At this Boston foundation, they decided to charge a ticket price after years of offering a free event. It was a resounding success. Watch the video below. ... Read On >
Headed outside? Tips for tents as charity auction venues
Red Apple Auctions has conducted four charity auctions this month. Three of the auction venues were scheduled to be tents. Two galas stuck to the schedule and held them in the tents. In one case, the rain poured. In another, the rain cleared. (See video below.) One gala moved to an alternate location (an airport hangar), just in case. In the fall and spring, tents are a popular venue choice. They allow people to be outside and enjoy the weather. They lend a dreamy feel to the ... Read On >
VIDEO: Charity auction item ideas – Stock the Bar | Stock the Cellar
Selling interesting items at your gala is one way to set yourself apart from the masses. It has the added bonus of raising you more money. But dreaming of new charity auction item ideas isn't always easy. Here's a fun - and relatively easy - item to acquire and sell in your upcoming gala. Watch the video below. ... Read On >