A cash appeal (also called a fund a need, mission moment, and other names) can be an easy way to raise dollars at most fundraising auctions. But there is a process to follow. To get started, use these seven fund a need ideas to ensure you cover the basics of this lucrative gala element. Watch the video below. And now that you've got "the basics" down, what about the rest? Like examples of great videos that have been used as introductions prior to the Fund a Need ... sample ... Read On >
Benefit Auctions Blog
PODCAST: Selling a dog at the benefit auction? Take steps to protect the animal.
Selling a dog is often a popular item in live auctions, but you'll need to take steps to protect the puppy to ensure he gets a great start with his family. In this podcast, learn some tips of what to include with the sale to help ease the transition. Listen to the podcast below. ... Read On >
Selling a puppy at the benefit auction? Take steps to protect the dog.
This past weekend I was browsing through dog rescue sites looking for "my" dog (I can't wait to adopt!) and it jogged my memory to write this post. In Benefit Auction Ideas, I've written before about the selling of a benefit auction puppy. There's a proper way to present the animal. We covered selecting the perfect breed for your group, what to refrain from doing, and other tips. I'm not going to re-hash that content here, but I do want to offer some ideas on how you can protect the ... Read On >
VIDEO: Could you host a benefit auction in a shopping mall?
The economy has left a number of shopping malls with empty storefronts. In an effort to fill the space, some are offering discounts to nonprofits. Could these open spaces make for workable benefit auction venues? Watch the video below. ... Read On >
Funky sound systems match your benefit auction theme
My recent articles in Benefit Auction Ideas (my twice-a-month ezine) have focused on suggestions for great benefit auction themes. In this post, I'm moving this theme concept in a new direction. Some elements of your gala are optional; others are required. Having a theme is optional. Offering items that people want - and guests with money to buy them - is required. A sound system falls into that latter category. It's required, even for small crowds. (I once used an at-home "toy" karaoke ... Read On >