A client called and wanted an opinion. "Should we move our date from fall to spring?" Personally, I think autumn charity auctions have a few advantages over spring dates. ... Read On >
Benefit Auctions Blog
Sure, AMEX fees are high. Should charity auctions accept it anyway?
In May I worked a gala for a group here in the Washington, D.C. area. During our wrap-up conversation, the Gala Chair commented that a good friend of hers accompanied her to the event, eager to spend money. Upon arrival, she learned that the group's auction checkout procedures didn't include taking AMEX. They'd opted against setting up an AMEX account. She couldn't buy anything. Our assembly listened to the story and then one of the women explained. "The Board has repeatedly ... Read On >
New silent auction entertainment ideas – flip books
Last month I spoke at the Missouri Meetings and Events Expo "Boot Camp" in St. Louis. During the cocktail reception, I wandered by an activity that might be included in your silent auction. A green screen was set-up in front of a camera. Fun props were piled on a table nearby. In essence, the subject (moi) selects a background and then "performs" in front of the camera for 6 seconds. Record A Hit had several backgrounds. I selected the St. Louis arch, given our location. Next I had to think ... Read On >
Gala centerpieces don’t have to be flowers
Floral gala centerpieces are the norm at most of our auctions, but are other ways of decorating your table. Check out this NON-floral, balloon centerpiece I saw in St. Louis, MO last week at the Missouri Meetings & Events Expo. The "Boot Camp" theme of the Expo wasn't lost on the company that brought this balloon bouquet. American Carnival Mart decked out their booth in full Boot Camp motif, so this "floral" arrangement is on the green-and-black side. As you can see, the balloons ... Read On >
PODCAST: Who should you invite to your auction: men or women?
A new study has been released that compares the giving patterns of men versus women. Based on the data, should you start changing your invitation list? Find out in this podcast. Listen to the podcast below. ... Read On >