A couple of times a year, the Red Apple Auctions team works a gala that has booked headline entertainment as part of its show. One of those events is the Washington Performing Arts Society (WPAS) gala, one of Washington, DC's top fundraising events. This year the organization announced that over $1 million was raised. Among other things, that means that a lot of children in DC's public schools will have access to an arts education. I like to say, a bit tongue-in-cheek, that Red Apple Auctions ... Read On >
Benefit Auctions Blog
Burn Notice: Keep fires in check at your charity auction
This post is frothy. Nothing you don't already know, but a reminder for safety at charity auctions. You'll recall that a couple of weeks ago that most of us living in the USA moved our clocks forward one hour to adjust for daylight savings time. And somewhere in modern history, this "fall back / spring forward" shift has also became the de facto time of year when our local firemen remind us to change the batteries in our home's smoke alarms. Change your clock and change your smoke alarm's ... Read On >
Graduated with my Auctioneer’s MBA (CAI)
Last month I completed a program I started three years ago. I finished my third and final year of CAI, which stands for the Certified Auctioneer Institute. Though there are some formalities that need to be completed before I'm officially able to use the "CAI" initials, I'm done. The program takes place at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN and its overseen by the National Auctioneers Foundation. It's held in March, which - as a benefit auctioneer - is the worst possible time. March is a ... Read On >
How your benefit auction can use the new Google for Nonprofits
In mid-March 2011, Google launched Google for Nonprofits. Once your group is approved (approvals take weeks to months), the free tools help you generate funds, streamline operations, generate awareness, and so forth. Caveat: I'd say Google for Nonprofits is one of those benefit auction technologies most appropriate for smaller nonprofits which are tech-friendly but resource strapped. If your nonprofit hasn't already invested in a robust benefit auction software program (which already handles ... Read On >
VIDEO: A dirty secret about growing your benefit auction
Here's a little known fact. When you add raffles, games, and other cool benefit auction ideas into a gala to make it more profitable, there's a good chance you'll also have to buy software. Activities add complexity. And without software, you'll create a "one hit wonder" event. Learn more in the video below. ... Read On >