Your silent auction donations have a better chance of selling for more money when guests enjoy experiential shopping. For inspiration, let's look at my old stomping grounds: corporate marketing. Have you noticed that for-profit entities are quick to give away samples of their products? They want to convert window-shoppers into paying customers. (Your silent auction has a lot of window-shoppers.) A visit to your local shopping mall proves the power of the sensory experience. Consider these ... Read On >
Benefit Auctions Blog
Silent auction tips: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Last time I counted, there were a few dozen points you need to meet in order to ensure your silent auction rocks. Covering all of those would make for a hideously long blog post, so I'm going to talk about a mere three. I'm labeling these silent auction tips as "the good, the bad, and the ugly." The Good One of the smaller auctions I work has about 200 guests. Year after year this group has consistently managed to make their silent auction adorable. How do they do it? One point they do ... Read On >
Auction team member Sheri turns filmmaker and wins gold!
No doubt you know the phrase, "It's not what you do. It's who you do it with." Much of what makes my work as a benefit auctioneer amazing is the interesting people I've surrounded myself with here at Red Apple Auctions. So for this week's blog post, permit me to brag like a proud parent as I share with you the success of one of my team members, Sheri. Many of my auction floor crew come from an acting background. Sheri is no exception. About 20 years ago, Sheri was the queen of TV here in ... Read On >
New silent auction display ideas for jewelry
Auction volunteers looking for creative ways to display jewelry in the silent auction will appreciate this approach. Most often I see necklaces draped over a box. Sometimes it's the same box the piece will be packaged inside when sent home later with the winning bidder. Boxes work well enough, but I recently spotted a couple of other silent auction display ideas you could use. Anyone who has heard me speak knows that my background was working in corporate marketing and sales. I'm always ... Read On >
PODCAST: Auction sponsors versus underwriters
Is there a difference between an auction sponsorship and auction underwriters? In today's podcast, you'll hear why if there isn't a difference, there should be. You'll also learn about different ways to delineate between the two categories.Listen to the podcast below. ... Read On >