Call it coincidence, divine intervention or luck, but I'd bet that you've had a situation whereby you see or hear something, and suddenly it shows up somewhere else. Like when you consider buying a particular type of car, and suddenly that model is all you see on the highway. That serendipity is what led me to write about today's subject. ============================== Thanks to a cancelled flight that left me scrambling to get from one fundraiser to another late last month, I've ... Read On >
Appeals / Fund a Need / Raise the Paddle
Setting Fund a Need levels vs creating levels on the fly
I'm not a gal who likes to fly by the seat of my pants at a gala. I prefer a high level of preparation so I can better adapt when something does go off script. One place I've made spontaneous changes has been in the Fund a Need. My preference is to set paddle raise gift levels in advance, but here's one example where a spur of the moment change was warranted. At the event, my initial ask was to be $25,000, working my way down to smaller donation levels: $20,000 $15,000 ... Read On >
Transforming a mundane auction checkout receipt into a mission-driven missive
There was a problem at one of my spring fundraising auctions. The event was new, designed to take the place of a more traditional fundraising dinner. For many years the dinner reliably drew 400- 500 guests. The hope was that this new event would attract a similarly sized crowd. It didn't. At first the planner dropped the guest count estimate to 300. Five days prior to the auction, the count wasn't yet 100. It didn't climb much higher than that. (Not all events are stellar out ... Read On >
Pet peeve of fundraising auctions: Pointing
One of the first lessons I learned at the Missouri Auction School was on the subject of pointing. “When inviting bidders to bid,” the instructor said, “use an open palm. It’s an invitation for the bidder to give you more money.” “Don’t point!” he emphasized, “It’s rude.” A quick way to separate the professional fundraising auctioneers from the amateurs is to watch their fingers. Get the full story in today’s video. To me, pointing is obnoxious. Am I overreacting? If ... Read On >
Skip the silent auction; put your focus on the Fund a Need
Later this month (June 26, 2017) I'll be speaking at Planet Philanthropy, the annual statewide conference presented by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Florida Caucus. My topic will focus on Fund a Needs. As I prepare for that talk, I want to revisit a blog post I wrote for fundraising consultant Lori Jacobwith last year, when she asked me to speak to her Ignite Fundraising Club members in January 2016. Here's my take on why nonprofits – primarily smaller ones – should bypass ... Read On >