Some school benefit auctions – especially those schools with younger children – like to sell class projects at their gala. These projects are made by the students with careful supervision by either a committed parent or art teacher. If your gala is held in the November through December time period, talk with the supervising adult now to suggest that any auction class projects take on a holiday angle. Testing out some winter-y inspired items can add a nice mix to your existing items. Here are ... Read On >
Blog Post
Halloween-themed professional services to better your benefit auction revenues
I haven't officially researched this, but it seems to me that in the last 20 years, Americans have become much more interested in decorating their homes for Halloween. Have you noticed this trend? Decked out homes lead us down a path of coffins and gravestones, eery music pumps out of hidden CD players, and scary artifacts like mummies are around each corner. Other homes take the friendlier Halloween route and offer happy-looking witches, mysterious stews made interesting via the use of dry ... Read On >
A million-dollar idea for your auction donations
You don't need a million ideas to make a million dollars. You need one good idea to make a million dollars. I love that phrase. I love it because it reminds me that I don't need to do EVERYTHING I hear in order to have a successful business. One good idea ... implemented well ... can pay dividends. Where do I get good ideas? I've heard more than once that some people get great ideas in the shower. Personally, I've never had a great idea in the shower. I get good ideas when I take classes. ... Read On >
Getting items for charity auctions can be easier. Just listen.
A couple of years ago I was on a Webinar advocating year-round auction procurement. The best gala chairs I know always have their "ear to the ground" when it comes to getting items for their auction. Here's a recent example. Last week I was in Pennsylvania meeting with a few clients. Over dinner with one group, the two co-chairs and I talked about their upcoming auction and specifically, their items. They felt they needed just a couple more items for their live auction to feel finished. As we ... Read On >
Careful! Donations from book authors could be your next live *or* silent auction item
Last week I held a free teleclass teaching you how to procure items for your benefit auction without leaving your home. This week, I'm sharing one of the ideas presented. +++++ [CLASS NO LONGER AVAILABLE.] Interested in hearing all 7 secrets for procuring great items? For a limited time, enjoy a recording of the call. +++++ From 2009 through 2011 I sold several author-related items at my client's fundraising auctions: 4 auctions sold dinners with well-known authors 3 ... Read On >