This is Part 2 of a 2-part series examining how missing information on silent auction descriptions costs you donations. Read Part 1 here. My floor team are outstanding sales support in any auction. They find an item and work it until it has bids or they've sold it outright to a guest. But if a silent auction description is lacking key information, my sales reps must leave their post to find someone in the marketing department who knows about this item and can provide the missing ... Read On >
How to write your silent auction descriptions to make more money – Part 1
This is Part 1 of a 2-part blog on writing silent auction descriptions. Part 2 is here. =================== If you're wondering why some items in your silent auction just aren't getting the bidding activity you expected, re-read your silent auction descriptions. In almost every silent auction my company attends, we spend some time researching items to find out details. Critical information is often missing. Until that information is known to the guests, they won't bid. Here are ... Read On >
Using kids to raise cash at your gala, even when they aren’t attending – Part 2
Read Part 1 here, then come back to learn the final benefit auction ideas you can use to incorporate kids into your gala (even if they aren't physically present.) This post covers two strategies: 3. Let a Powerpoint slide tell the story In a ballroom, Powerpoint slides can provide imagery. At this gala raising money for heart-related causes, a child's photo was displayed with the text, "Nora Grace's heart was mended by Dr. Bill Hammill, and she hasn't stopped dancing since." Plus side: ... Read On >
Using kids to raise cash at your gala, even when they aren’t attending – Part 1
Over the last few months, I've offered benefit auction ideas on managing your gala in a bad economy. You can use all kinds of techniques to ensure your revenues remain strong in a recession, but one solid strategy of raising money - regardless of economic winds - is to show guests how their donation impacts others. In this case, children. Children (and animals, to a large degree) seem to have universal appeal which you can tap into. Many organizations benefit kids in one way, shape, or ... Read On >
Silent auction basket ideas: use wrap
With regards to silent auction basket ideas, a book could be written about how to make a nice display. Here's my take on one idea regarding wrapping. At smaller benefit auctions, you can be a bit loosey-goosey in how you present a silent auction basket. At larger fundraisers, you need to step up your game. Covering your baskets in a clear plastic shrink-wrap or a bag is smart. Here are the advantages of wrapping a silent auction basket in clear plastic or cellophane. 1) Contents don't ... Read On >