My intention was to dress in Nashville country western glitz … and then I realized I had no props. This just seemed a better fit with my accordion.
If you’re seeking benefit auction ideas, this is a no-brainer event to attend.
For those of you living in the Nashville area, I invite you to meet me at Maggiano’s on Thursday, September 13.
It’s like a country-western fairy tale for me … I’m becoming a Nashville benefit auctioneer for one day. 🙂 I’m coming to share information on planning profitable auctions.
(I’ve seen photos of the room and SPACE IS LIMITED.)
I’m presenting in conjunction with GreaterGiving, a benefit auction software company. (I’m delighted that I get to meet another representative from the company, Gretchen.)
We’ll both be speaking, and I’ll be covering the best ways I’ve seen to max out returns.
But lest you think this seminar is a full-blown sales pitch, it’s not. It’s about sharing best practices.
In fact, I’m so confident in this presentation that I’m giving you SOMETHING SPECIAL.
Here’s my 100% money-back guarantee: If you attend and feel you just heard a 3-hour sales pitch for software, I’ll pay your registration fee MYSELF!
Over the years, I must have made this presentation with GreaterGiving a dozen times in a half dozen cities. We just keep tweaking to make it better.
When I presented last November (2011) in Pennsylvania, here are the UNCENSORED COMMENTS pulled from participants’ surveys.
- Sherry seems to have a wealth of knowledge and I’m glad to have seen her in this seminar.
- Very dynamic and obviously well versed in the field. I appreciated her honesty and opinions as much as her facts and details.
- Very down to earth, very professional, easy to listen to, very engaging and knowledgeable. Would definitely consult her regarding auction issues.
- I believe that last year, Sherry provided a handout of her PPT slides. I found that to be helpful.
- Sherry is the queen. ‘nuf said.
- So great!
- Sherry is a true expert and very engaging.
- Excellent speaker, very valuable information
- Very interesting!
- Amazing woman!
- I thought she was very knowledgeable. Her expertise really seems to be live auctions and I wish we could have gotten in to that further.
Here’s why you should carve out time in your schedule to attend:
- It’s content-rich. One of my clients has attended at least five of these. It’s THAT good. You’ll walk away with ready-to-implement ideas.
- Get your unique questions answered. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t using auction software (or if you are using a different vendor), the tips you’ll learn convey across your auctions.
- It’s therapeutic. You begin to realize your share challenges with others. Like cheap group therapy. 🙂
Here are more comments from others who have seen the presentation by GreaterGiving:
- “I walked out of the seminar with many new ideas and lots of excitement!” (Development Administrator in Washington)
- “Excellent resource for anyone preparing to conduct a benefit auction!” (Auction Coordinator in Washington)
- “… a very focused presentation that went directly to the fundraising and its procedures and problems.” (Board member in Delaware)
I’d truly enjoy meeting you in person. Here’s our chance!
Save your seat in Nashville by clicking here.
P.S. If you live in the area, you owe it to your charity to attend this event … and please be sure to introduce yourself.
After hearing Sherry speak for the first time (in Pennsylvania), I came back to our small organization and sang her praises to our Auction Committee (which consisted of 4 volunteers) and school administration. For fear of spending money that we were trying to raise, I was discouraged from using Sherry’s consulting services.
I attended a second speaking engagement of Sherry’s and was once again blown away by her charisma. I returned to the school’s administration and auction committee of 2 volunteers and insisted we make the plunge! We contracted 4 hours of consulting with Sherry.
This was our 5th annual auction, during a 30th anniversary year, our net profit was never maximized to the capacity we felt could be reached and after so many years, the event was getting stale. After consulting with RAA, our net profit increased by $4000, the event ran so smoothly and the feedback from our guests was so positive. With a smaller planning committee, Sherry helped me to be more efficient with my time. What I liked best was all the new features to the event that Sherry suggested and our guests are still talking about.
Mia Glenn, Director of Development
Interim Director of Admissions
The Quaker School at Horsham (Horsham, PA)
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