Anyone who follows me knows that we here at Red Apple Auctions are fans of LinkedIn. It’s rich with great information on ideas and people.
(I recently sent a LinkedIn connection to one of my clients who was soliciting a nonprofit auction donation from the producer of a popular TV show.)
Here’s a recent gem we spotted for our Washington, D.C.-area readers.
Peter Panepento, Web Editor for the Chronicle of Philanthropy, is offering the chance for you to star in a Chronicle of Philanthropy video.
- Think about the free publicity.
- Think about the exposure for your non-profit.
- Think about all the tweets, posts, and comments you can extract from this single video and use in your own social media campaigns and nonprofit auction marketing.
I’m likin’ it!
The Chronicle of Philanthropy is launching its first online video series with plans to release a new video each Thursday. The group is seeking people who work or volunteer in the nonprofit world to tell your organization’s (or your) story.
That’s you.
Peter writes: “The series, titled “In Their Own Words,” features people who work for the greater good talking about key events in their careers. Some are sharing anecdotes about powerful moments. Others are talking about what motivates them. To add diversity and richness to the series, we’re playing host to a casting call of sorts in our DC office. We’re inviting people who work in our near Washington DC to stop by to tell their stories. We’re also inviting folks who are visiting the DC area to include a visit with the Chronicle as part of their itineraries.”
This sounds good.
The hope is to take the series on the road over the next few months. For now, it’s DC-area groups.
If you want to get in the action, here’s how you schedule a taping.
Richard White, Video Journalist |
To see one example of a video, view Anne Goddard of ChildFund International in Richmond, VA.
Good luck!
Yes, they talk about DC for now … and the road show later.
I saw some non-profits leave notes on the Chronicle’s blog, encouraging them to make the trip to their respective city. You might consider doing that as a way to influence their travels.
Sounds like you have to be in the DC area for this to happen? I bet they aren’t going to be flying out to our state to tape any time soon. So, no, this isn’t us.