Attention readers. Though I'm usually writing about being a benefit auctioneer Virginia, today's blog is personal. (Click to another blog to read auction tips.) Once a year, my brother Scott makes the trek from Iowa to D.C. to attend a work conference. It's always in May. It's always in the city. And it always means he and I get some enjoy some cool sibling time at a fun restaurant. Today is my brother's birthday. Like many people with December birthdays, I think he's gotten the shaft ... Read On >
Promoting holiday sale on modeling client’s website
Note to readers: Occasionally I make a post like this one, which is not related to my work as a benefit auctioneer Virginia. (Skip to another post to get auction tips.) +++++ A friend alerted me to this. Catherine's is one of my plus-size modeling clients. I'm featured on their Website home page this week. Fun! Here's a screenshot. ... Read On >
Three license laws affecting benefit auctions
When I worked as an event planner for GE, I would have been mortified to inadvertently overlook a detail which could have shut down my event. With so many rules to follow from municipal, state, and federal bodies, it's difficult to stay on top of everything. As a benefit auctioneer Florida ... and in Virginia ... and in Kentucky ... and in New Hampshire .. and in some other states, I've learned that licensing varies greatly from location to location. Nonetheless, here are three more common ... Read On >
On a personal note: Designing cards, plus-size modeling, and life’s pleasantries
Heads up: This is a personal blog post. Nothing about benefit auctions here. This past summer, Sue Painter, one of my Mastermind friends in Tennessee emailed me via Facebook: "My Sunday paper fell on the floor today and some of the ads fell out," she wrote, "When I leaned over to pick them up, YOU were smiling up at me from a Catherine's insert!" Even though she knew I was a plus-size model, she was excited to suddenly see someone in print whom she recognized. (For those of you just joining ... Read On >
Speaking to Rotary Club of Baltimore about benefit auction ideas
On Tuesday, September 29, 2009 I visited the Rotary Club of Baltimore to talk about benefit auction ideas. I've been documenting some of my Rotary talks, which you can read here and here. The Club meets in the beautiful Belvedere Hotel. (A misnomer: The Belvedere Hotel was converted to condominiums in 1991 and is no longer a hotel.) I'm a sucker for old buildings, so this quickly ranked as the most glamorous venue of any Rotary meeting I've attended. Rotarian President Mary Anne had told me ... Read On >