On the heels of my post "Where to cut costs in your benefit auction," here is a post on where to invest. Whether you are a volunteer Gala Chair or a paid Special Events Manager, you want your charity auction to be a financial success. Let's look at some smart investments. 1. Invest your time upfront in placing volunteers into appropriate roles where they can shine. Not all volunteers are created equal. To ensure fewer headaches later, make an effort early in the process to get to know your ... Read On >
Five places to cut costs in your auction fundraiser. (Spend money wisely to make money.)
How many times have we heard that adage that you must spend money to make money? SuccessfulMeetings.com posted an article last week, "Business Travel Study: Companies That Spend More, Make More." The study was funded by the National Business Travel Association and found that for every $1 spent on business travel, over $15 could be earned. The report examined ten years of data, and cautioned that under-spending on travel during a recession could cause companies to lose out on profit. "Find ... Read On >
Auctioneers are Rare; Female Auctioneers are Rarer
I'm behind in my reading, so it was only recently I read the June 2009 AUCTIONEERS magazine and an article called "A Rare Occupation." It talks about how auctioneers are few and far between. Author Robert Doyle did some research on the InfoUSA Website to compare the numbers of full-time auctioneers in the United States to other professions. The statistics were interesting: Auctioneers: 10,034 Funeral Directors: 23,648 Painters: 43,178 Plumbers: 60,767 Real Estate Agents: ... Read On >
Speaking to Rotary Club of Fairfax about an auction fundraiser
Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of speaking at the Rotary Club of Fairfax. With 93 members, this is one of the largest clubs in northern Virginia, although attendance was a down today due to the timing of my visit. (Note to self: Schedule speaking appointments during the school year to avoid vacation season.) As near as I can tell, Rotary is one of the most under-marketed organizations in the world. They do a tremendous amount of good work globally, but they are so busy eradicating ... Read On >
Teaching Stratford event planners about benefit auctions
One of my favorite event planners in Washington, D.C. is Alice Conway, CSEP. I met her when I was a student in the George Washington University Event Management Certificate program, and she was overseeing the program. Alice has since gone on to launch a similar event management certificate program at Stratford University, while simultaneously running her event management company, BB&C Productions Inc. Alice is a svelte, sophisticated woman who looks more like she should be a publicist in ... Read On >