I like to be prepared for my fundraising auctions, as I know it matters in different ways to the donor, the nonprofit, and the guests. In this video, I share a recent example of how the printed description of a donation (a vertical of Far Niente wine) didn't seem to match the label of the wine. The last thing I wanted to do was screw up the description of the 5-bottle donation. It's pricey stuff -- and the donation even included a unicorn 2016 vintage. Furthermore, about 300 C-level ... Read On >
2020 fundraising auction trends
In my last blog post, I reflected on some of the more creative auction themes I saw in 2019. Today, let's look ahead and consider a few trends I'm seeing in fundraising auctions. Auction Trend #1: Three popular auction themes In 2020, I expect to see a lot of these types of themes. "The Roaring '20s," "Great Gatsby," and other nods to the 1920's. With a turn of the calendar, we've returned to the '20's -- it's just 100 years later. "20/20 vision," "Hindsight is 20/20," and other ... Read On >
Use your auction catalog to remind guests about group bidding
Once or twice a year I open up my shopping cart for sales of a product I call the Catalog Carnival. The Carnival is a collection of catalogs and programs whereby I have pointed out the clever ideas worthwhile to model. What good ideas come from auction catalogs? The image on this page shows a modest example, though the photo quality is poor. Here's what I was sharing. A bold reminder was printed at the top of the live auction page. Remember: Costs can be split among multiple bid ... Read On >
Who needs Fundraising Auction Rules? Everyone.
No bones about it, auction rules should be included somewhere in your catalog. Maybe even at the registration desk. And online. Printed auction rules serve as the governing principles of the auction and can help mitigate problems. (You might also be interested in reading, "What not to do when the auction winner doesn’t pay.") Over the past year I've had two episodes that brought the topic of auction rules to the forefront. At one auction, a woman seated at a sponsored table ... Read On >
Is it a “LIVE” auction, LIVE auction, or Live Auction?
My bilingual and multi-lingual friends are quick to point out that English isn't the easiest language to learn. Here's one example of how language oddities can confuse even the best auction planners. ==================== Back in 2012, I received this email from a Chicago hospital foundation team member. When I refer to a “LIVE” auction in printed materials, I always put “LIVE” in quotes so that it is not misread as LIVE – the verb for to exist. My supervisor does not like the quotes ... Read On >