I recorded this video a few minutes after getting off the phone with a potential client. She and her committee weren't fond of their previous auctioneer. "She started with a high opening bid," she said. "Too high. And then in order to get anyone interested in bidding she had to drop it down. Way down. It was so embarrassing to our donor." The subject of where to start the opening bids on your live auction items can be a divisive topic. I've observed a discrepancy between what many ... Read On >
live auction
[VIDEO] Where to start your opening bids in the live auction
Every year I'll be asked by a few auction chairs, "Sherry, let's review the opening bids on these live auction items. Where shall we start them?" In this video and the post that follows it, I've addressed why you shouldn't care about opening bids. https://youtu.be/e32PMbixJGE?si=9rM1-E4u74E6A4ST Here's a conversation I'll have with some clients each year: "Sherry, this item is worth $2500. Where are you going to start the bidding?" "Start?" I'll counter, "It doesn’t matter where ... Read On >
Which sells better? Two different descriptions from identical auction packages
An identical item was sold in two different D.C. charity auctions in different years. Of the two item description examples, which do you prefer? (I changed the donor's name.) ================== Don’t Fake It, Make It Private cooking class for 10 at the acclaimed ABC Cooking School You and 9 guests will be guided by your chef instructor in creating a fabulous three-course meal. From 'Classic French Cuisine' to "Sushi' and 'Summertime Smoking and Barbecue,' the reward is yours when you sit ... Read On >
[VIDEO] Anatomy of a live item sale: selling Taylor Swift tickets
School auctions are typically noisy, rambunctious affairs. The parents know each other. Many are close friends because of their children's ties. And because they socialize together outside of school, the auction itself is just another party. I love school auctions, but they can be demanding on an auctioneer. School auctions are like house parties, giving parents -- especially younger parents (K-8) -- the opportunity to leave the kids for a night. And. Those. Parents. Party! Whereas nonprofit ... Read On >
Live auction display ideas for vacations
If you've got a vacation or two that will be sold in your live auction, it helps to geographically show guests where the city / resort / hotel is located. When I'm serving as auctioneer for a group, I create my own "displays" to help market items. I often don't know what the client will be doing for a display, and I want to be sure that during the preview time, I'm able to engage bidders with my own information and materials. For example, here are four images I've used in the last month to ... Read On >