It’s a provocative title, n'est-ce pas? But as we are nearing Valentine's Day, it is oh-so-appropriate for us to be frank about this subject. Here's a dirty little secret: As you're calling different auctioneers, trying to find one for your benefit auction, you should know that most of them are secretly hoping for a one-night stand with you. In and out. Perform, collect the check, and leave. These types of benefit auctioneers are not seeking a long-term relationship. They hope that you'll ... Read On >
live auction
VIDEO: Who opens the headline entertainment at your charity auction?
When your auction entertainment ideas skew to the grand, be careful! Incorporating headline entertainment into a charity auction is an impressive addition, but when you allow your event to become a stage for a top performers, there is a risk. It's possible that your mission and good works will be eclipsed by the entertainment. How do you ensure that doesn't happen? You organize the gala schedule in such a way that it allows you to do mission-related work first. Watch the video for details ... Read On >
VIDEO: Fundraising auction ideas using vegetables
One of my food-related charities asked me for some suggestions on how they might incorporate the almighty vegetable into their gala. I revisited some previous events for ideas and here's what I shared with them. Any of you wondering if these fundraising auction ideas would work for fruit should know that -- yes, of course. ;) Watch the video below. ... Read On >
Who opens the headline entertainment at your charity auction?
A couple of times a year, the Red Apple Auctions team works a gala that has booked headline entertainment as part of its show. One of those events is the Washington Performing Arts Society (WPAS) gala, one of Washington, DC's top fundraising events. This year the organization announced that over $1 million was raised. Among other things, that means that a lot of children in DC's public schools will have access to an arts education. I like to say, a bit tongue-in-cheek, that Red Apple Auctions ... Read On >
Gala auction smackdown – live auctions trump silent auctions
When groups are looking for fundraising ideas, many add a silent auction to an existing event. I've heard of and seen silent auctions at all types of fundraisers and friend-raisers: dinners, fairs, golf outings, networking events, sorority meetings, and church functions. The silent auction is casually added to the mix of activities with the hopes that it will generate some needed funds. And it does. Sort of. Make no mistake, your guests LOVE silent auctions! Many like them because they are ... Read On >