If you're trying to find new auction sponsors by studying the auction catalogs from the charity gala down the street, think again. Those sponsors have likely been asked again and again to donate. They've already likely aligned themselves with favored nonprofits. What are the chances they'll switch horses mid-stream and give you the big money? Wouldn't it be easier to align with a fast-growing company that hasn't yet been asked 1,000 times to donate? In this video, I share a rich source of ... Read On >
sponsors / underwriters
PODCAST: Auction sponsors versus underwriters
Is there a difference between an auction sponsorship and auction underwriters? In today's podcast, you'll hear why if there isn't a difference, there should be. You'll also learn about different ways to delineate between the two categories.Listen to the podcast below. ... Read On >
Event sponsorship can grow, if you look in these places
I always seem to be behind in my reading. But as it's summer, I'm enjoying taking my dated magazines to the swimming pool with little cares as to whether the magazine gets sopping wet with chlorinated water. This past weekendI read an article in the March issue of INC magazine (page 23) called "Why Inc. 500 CEOs Are Smiling: They're getting ready for good times ahead - and they're creating jobs." INC conducted a poll of Inc. 500 CEOs and found that the vast majority have been hiring and ... Read On >