I've got a complementary training coming up that EVERYONE involved in your auction should attend. It's about learning how to ask. Imagine being so confident with the idea of asking for donations that your team was EAGER to pick up the phone, pound the pavement, or chat up strangers at a dinner party. Can you envision how would your auction change? You'd get a lot more quality donations, bigger cash gifts, and nicer sponsorships. That's exciting! Auctions begin with a confident ask. ... Read On >
FREE training on auction consignment items! Trends & other ideas you need to know.
UPDATE: This class has passed. To keep abreast of future calls, subscribe to Benefit Auction Ideas. ++++++ Benefit auction consignment: Trends and other ideas you NEED to know Let's say you want a really cool trip for your benefit auction (perhaps to tie into your theme) and you've got zero connections on how to get one. Or maybe your "hot" leads turned up cold. When frustration ensues, many planners turn to using a trip consignor. Join me on Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2014 when I'm ... Read On >
The easy way to train benefit auction volunteers
Oh I wish I had a video that captured the vignette I’m about to describe ... In late September I was in Ohio speaking. The next day, I met with a public school foundation for a private consultation. The group is dramatically changing their gala, so I was sharing photos from appropriate events to give them ideas. One of the Co-Chairs said, “Do you have other photos I can see?” As if on cue, the Executive Director whipped out her copy of Creative Auction Themes, Decor & Centerpieces, handed ... Read On >
Better Benefit Auction Ideas hit Chicago & Cincinnati next week!
Today’s question is: What do you do that makes your auction different from every other benefit auction in your city? Is that chirping crickets I hear? If you're stumped by the question, I'm not surprised. We planners get into ruts, doing the same thing all the time. Unless you’re traveling the world attending auction galas, it’s almost impossible to get exposed to fresh concepts. (Let alone the time it takes to learn about properly implementing something, once seen.) This leads me to why ... Read On >
Back to school: 5 Places to Learn New Benefit Auction Ideas
In Kansas, we returned to school in mid August. Here along the East Coast, many schools start in late August or even after Labor Day. Some kids will be excited. Others are already counting down the days until summer or graduation. Which were you? Here's what I know: Whether you enjoyed school or not, learning is ongoing. I'm a fan of education, but I'm not one who believes you have to go to college to get advanced training. Sure, I've got some degrees (three, actually), but I've learned ... Read On >